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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Text Ever

"Hey. Call me when you're done making out."

Oh snap, my friends are funny.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Love Donuts

That's all.
Carry on.

Holy S. Round 2

This is better:

Holy S.

Today's horoscope:

"You may need to reconsider a decision that you made recently, especially if you weren't being realistic about your abilities. Your expectations might have been exaggerated because you were looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, but now you are beginning to see things in their proper light. Although you could be a bit discouraged today, the situation will likely work out beneficially in the long run."

Worst Text Ever

"Pls dont flip. I am too sick to travel."

And then I fell apart.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I Throw like a Girl

We had almost a foot of snow on Christmas day last year. It was probably the best day of the year. I took full advantage of it and engaged pops in a one on one battle with snow bullets. Mom caught it on video from the warm dry indoors.

Note the hit I take to the side. That was solid.

In my defense, dad had defense on his side. He was taking shelter in the garage behind the big rhody tree. I was left defenseless with no barrier (guess who's the idiot in this shoot out...this girl).

Plus, he doesn't throw like a girl.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today has Not Sucked as Much as Yesterday

I vowed to make today at the very least incrementally better than yesterday. Let’s be honest, it wouldn’t take that much.

This is how it started:

• 7:00 am dentist appointment. That is the devil’s work.
• Bus broke down in the tunnel.
• I’m pretty sure my socks don’t match, which on most days is fine, but I’m wearing a skirt and boots so it’s a bit obvious.
• I’m starving but I don’t want to eat because my teeth feel so clean.
• Someone is totally clipping their nails at work. Are you for real?!?

Walking into the building today I almost just turned around and went back home. I’m ready to call it quit this Tuesday and start again tomorrow.

But, when you look for them, there are shining moments, such as these:

1.) The TT last didn’t in the least hurt my stomach. In fact it felt the most normal I’ve felt in while. Not sure what that says about fast food being good for you but at this point I’ll take it.
2.) I might be rocking out to Glee cover songs in my cube.
3.) I may have freaked my sister out when I inadvertently called her 11:00 am Seattle time. Forgetting that she was in Japan. She may have called in a minor panic wondering was the state of emergency was. Sorries!
4.) After 27 years, I am still cavity-free with no signs of gum disease. I might just celebrate by chewing on a candy and not brushing my teeth.

In closing, today has not sucked as much as yesterday.

A Testimony of Service

My day was pretty well in the crapper. I feel like I’m standing in a card house waiting for one card to fall and the whole rest of the house will come crumbling down below it. Work is overwhelming right now. My personal life isn’t where I would like it to be (by choice oddly enough). I’ve got a lot of things moving and transitioning while trying to prepare for an unknown future.

Today seemed to be a collision of all things overwhelming, work, personal and otherwise. Just couldn’t catch a break and my self-confidence which is generally pretty healthy, was seemingly absent.

At work, we adopted 2 families and we had to do the last minute shopping for one of the families before making the drop. I’m not one for patience so this became an exercise in traipsing around the city for 3 miles (not an exaggeration) in high heels while trying to decide what to spend a significant amount of money on. While we were shopping I was thinking a lot about the service mantra about how service to others makes one self feel good (my poor paraphrase). In full disclosure, I was not feeling good about this service. I was in fact beginning to question why I had volunteered to help organize this deal. I had so much waiting for me at my desk and at home that I couldn’t find joy in shopping for these families.

After we wrapped up shopping we headed out to deliver our bounty. I really didn’t know what to expect. Let me tell you, there could not be a more amazing and deserving family than the one we met last night. This strong infantry soldier man stood stoically, grateful and speechless and the demonstration of kindness from the members of our firm. The wife, normally a chatterbox, couldn’t find the words that she felt might be appropriate enough. Their oldest son was the most polite and kind spirit you will ever meet. Dad took the 2 youngest kids inside so that they might not see the bikes that would soon be under their Christmas tree. We gave them toys, art supplies, clothes, shoes, gift certificates, Christmas dinner, family movies and alike. Their car was brimming with goods.

There are moments that come along when you know that you were in the right place when you needed it the most. After a pretty defeating day, my heart nearly bubbled over with joy when we were able to give these families a Christmas they wouldn’t have otherwise had. This was a perfectly timed experience.

I was reminded of a quote I recently heard that President Utchdorf said that reads as follows, “In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance. Let us open our eyes and see the heavy hearts, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us, and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to answer those prayers.”

The family we delivered the gifts and Christmas dinner to tonight told us we were the answers to their prayers. The told us that we could never have known how much we helped them this holiday season. They were literally speechless. And this could very well be true, we may never know how great of relief we provided, and that is ok. I think that’s how its suppose to. The degree of impact is almost irrelevant, because what really matters was that there was even an impact at all.

After a day of defeat juxtaposed with the bright spot of joy, I wondered what do I do from here? I guess we just pick ourselves up and keep moving forward. Always move forward. While we move, may we have to awareness and foresight to see where we can be answers to other people’s prayers and everything else will fall into place. I have to believe that. If I don’t I might as well just quit right now. And that, I refuse to do.

As I go on this journey, I am beyond grateful to be surrounded by friends who will treat you to a classy TT (vegan) dinner, served on a paper plate, no less. I hope in your less than stellar moments, you surround yourself with people who can listen and not pretend to have all the answers, but rather recognize the struggle and validate your feelings as normal – not just one station away from boarding the crazy-train. Surround yourself with people who can make you laugh one minute and wallow with you the next. Because if we’re going to go through this life, we might as well do it together and laughing.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

If Sleeping were an Olympic Sport:

Gold medal, right here.

After my day of snowshoeing I had the make the hour drive back from Sedro Woolley to Kirkland. This was not easy. I was exhausted due to the lack of sleep, fresh air and physical exertion. I really just wanted to get home and close my eyes for just a little bit. I curled up on the couch around 4:30, queued up a couple Hulu shows and was out like a light by 5:00 pm. When 9:30 AM, Sunday morning, rolled around, you can understand my confusion. Certainly, I could not have slept through the night. Oh, but yes, I certainly did. For 16.5 hours, on a couch no less. I think that’s a personal best. Record-breaking.

I may have inadvertently missed the Rosie Thomas Christmas Concert but sleeping felt so good. So so good.

At One Point I Thought My Heart Might Pound Out of My Chest

I love snow. Always have, probably always will. However, I am not a participator of winter sports. I lack the grace, sense of balance and fearlessness necessary for skiing or snowboarding. But I do love me some snowshoeing, where both feet are firmly planned on the ground. So when CLA suggested hitting up Baker for a little snow shoeing, I was in. Having only been a couple times before I figured I’d be ok.

After only 2 hours of sleep (whole different story) I ventured my way north. We got to Mt. Baker in the early afternoon, just as the sun was trying to come out. We bundled up, strapped on the shoes and took off.

Now, let’s be honest here, I will do just about anything, but perhaps not with wild abandon. I tend to be fairly cautious for the primary purpose of acknowledging a history of personal injury. Additionally, if I were completely honest, I’m not in the pinnacle for cardiovascular condition. So there may have been a point early on during the uphill trekking I may have thought I was going to die as my heart was pounding out my chest and breathing was seriously labored. At the same time, I approached many of the downhills with trepidation, because not that CLA isn’t the specimen of strength and physical health, being carried out by him was a less than desirable idea, for both of us. So I approached some parts of the journey with serious trepidation (hello, story of my life). When I didn’t have complete faith that I wouldn’t fall head over heals down a hill, I slid down, bum first. I walked in CLA’s tracks. I walked focusing on not tripping, falling or otherwise potentially causing injury to myself. Low and behold, I came out of the trip uninjured. Miracle, I know.

We trekked out a little ways, the sun briefly graced us with its presence and we found a spot to enjoy some hot apple cider and few snacks of rice cakes and almond butter. We photo opted a few self portraits with the assistance of a strategically placed tree stump. After a little sustenance I felt a little bit more energy for the walk back, which was much needed.

To summarize: Sometimes snowshoes are unnecessary when you can slide bum first, like this:

Nothing I’d rather drink than this:

Nothing I’d rather see than the glory and majesty of snow covered mountains like this:

And better friendship than found in this guy:

Good times.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Take 5

M: I have a weird question for you.
C: Ok
M: Do you have all ten toes?
C: Silence
M: Just kidding, do you remember everyone at the meeting yesterday?
Continues on in normal conversation...hilarious.

I could talk about books all day, and then, read books all night. No, seriously.

Today I became a party crasher. Officially. Instigated by the Bossman. This is my life living on the edge.

My sister is boycotting Japan. The country. She lives there. Not sure how that really works but I’m interested to see how that all plays out.

I’m listening to Kelly Clarkson's, I Do Not Hook Up. To each their own....


We get the world's largest bananas at work. I should be used to by now, but every week I'm shocked. Too many questions and inappropraite comments roll through my mind, I can hardly eat my banana without blushing.

But seriously, check it out.

I'm going to go out on a limb and hypothesize that these are not organically grown. Just a hunch.

January 26, 2010

...will be a great day in music history. Patty Griffin’s latest album, Downtown Church will, will be in my hot little hands.

Check here for more info, sample tracks and teasers.

Are you as giddy as I?

Monday, December 14, 2009


Long day, guys. Long day.

Tomorrow I'll make better mistakes.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is my 100th post. Is that applause I hear? In honor of this milestone I’d like to share with you some of my internet inspiration. I’ve complied my top 5 website or blogs that I regularly read, grouped by loose topics.

Straight Up Headlines
Slate Magazine
Foreign Policy Magazine
The New York Times

God in the Midst
Inappropriate Bishop Higgins
This I Believe
Post Secret
Idea of the Day – NYT

Smitten Kitchen
Our Best Bites
Gluten Free Girl and The Chef
Cake Wrecks

People I Heart Who Can Write:
Life goes on
The Hardest Thing and the Right Thing
It got Weird
2 Teaspoons
Fabulous Fashionista

Camp Comfort
100 Layer Cake
Love. Obsess. Inspire.
Creature Comforts
Mustard & Sage

Kind over Matter
We Heart It
Unruly Things
Operation Nice

My Life is Average

Take a look around.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bliss List Monday

Hear: The sounds of the PLU Choir at Benaroya Hall ringing in holiday cheer. Well done kids.
See: Got to see Kirbizzle, always a pleasure and a treat.
Feel: Because of the balmy sub-freezing cold front we’ve got rolling through, I FEEL like moving to somewhere warm. Say North Carolina. But I’ll tough it out because it may be cold but it is beautiful.
Taste: Baked Potato with vegetarian chili, avocado, green onion and roasted vegetables. Hot, tasty and satisfying.
Smell: Candles burning in the living room
Tech: The wonders of the internet. I booked my best friend’s flight to come visit over the holidays. I’m pretty sure I was on the verge of tears. When I emailed her to tell her that, she called me to ask me what the hell was wrong with me and if I was hormonal or pregnant with the next Immaculate Conception offspring. Ouch.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Attitude Checked

I'm in desperate need of an ego boost. I'm feeling like an idiot it is getting old. I used to think that that feeling was going to end. Instead, I really think its just the beginning.

To stave off the wallowing and self-doubt, I turn to these gems for my pictoral pep-talk.

Attitude checked. Success.


And I don't mean coffee.