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Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday Nights

Me: Is this what grown ups do on Friday nights? Go for walks, make dinner, read the paper, bake bread?
CT: No, they have sex.

Then I fell over laughing.

Maybe you had to be there. And know him. And really like him.


Some people have family crests, our family, the Wong side, have a family ring.  All the women in family have one.  Some years ago I thought I had lost mine.  Well, I had lost it.

Until, one day, it reappeared in my mom's jewelry collection. I still fits and I don't want to take it off. Ever.

depiction of peaches often representing longevity, health, springtime and abundance in Chinese culture.

Monday, May 2, 2011

More Goodness in Trifecta Form

April had some great trifectas. I am so truly blessed for the life I live, the job I have, the people I have the honor to call my friends, and time I have to create the memories I hold so close.

 1.) Campbell whistling, The Quad, Seattle, WA
2.) Easter Crafting by LL, Wallingford, WA
3.) Impromptu BBQ when it unexpectedly hit 65 degrees, Kirkland, WA

1.) The Head and The Heart, The Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA
2.) View from below: Henry Art Gallery Outdoor Art Space, Seattle, WA
3.) Campbell, Henry Art Gallery Outdoor Art Space, Seattle, WA

Dining Out for Life to support Lifelong AIDS Alliance, April 28, 2011

1.) Mioposto: Scomorza: Mozzarella Melted topped with tomatoes and served with olive olive and bread
2.) Tutta Bella, Dessert, Columbia City
3.) Mioposta: Dinner: Roasted Beet Salad with Mixed Greens, Gorganzola and Marcona Almonds; Pizza con la Patata: garlic roasted potates, caramelized onions, fontina, thyme, red pepper flakes.

1.)Spring bossoms along Lake Washington Blvd.
2.) Royal Wedding Souvenier brought from London by Boss. Awesome.
3.) Cool bench

Bring it on May, let's see what you got.

That's a Wrap - LA Style

En route home from Mexico I swung by LA to spend some much needed quality time with PB.  It had been too long since we'd seen each other and it was high time we made time to have more ridiculous adventures.  So that's what we did.  Adventures ensued, laughs were had, good food was eaten.  It was the perfect way to wrap up a perfect vacation.

Day 1: The unstoppable Sun

After spending the morning in the gym it took us approximately 2 hours to get ready.  What? It's a lot of work to look this fabulous.  There's hair, make up, costume changes and coordination, accessorizing, walking down stairs in 4 inch wedges....ya know.
(Dress courtesy of PB's collection)

Because it's been so many years since we've hung out we took hundreds, I mean hundreds of pictures of ourselves. But golly, aren't we adorbs?!

Obviously there was fro-yo, obviously there is a whole brownie in there. Obviously this man's pants are the best part of this picture.  We're obviously in WeHo.

Tried every flavor before deciding.  I call it quality control and informed decision making.

Day 1, PM: Without a moment to waste we had lots to accomplish.  We had to pillage PB's closest and get to Huntington Beach in the matter of a few hours. We made record time decision making and organizing.  I won't go into detail about the number of nude colored shoes PB own but let's just say it more than a lot.  With a quick wardrobe change we headed out to Huntington Beach for an evening out on the quiet yet party filled beach town.

After crawling into bed at 3:00 am for the second night, I've never been so happy to see an inflatable mattress.

Day 2: Rise and shine (literally) and headed east towards Palm Springs for party-hopping at Coachella. We hit up 4 parties and melted in the triple digit heat.

I made a new friend. He does this to everyone he meets.

How to feel small: sit in a giant chair


Ping Pong, obviously.

DD looking exasperated after listening to me.  Ha!

Loaded up on Coffee Bean and Headed toward Palm Springs!


Mulberry Pool Party at the Palms, Palm Springs

Armani Brunch, Poolside

Day 3: While we made hopeful plans to get to the gym for spin class, neither of us were too eager to get to the gym that morning.  So we casually took out time to get ready and headed towards Santa Monica for some shopping a grub.  As the afternoon was nearing I knew my vacation was coming to a close.  In a flash of insight I decided to double check my flight time.  Turns out, I was about 2 hours off from my scheduled flight and we had 90 minutes to get to LAX. With the grace of the traffic gods we made it there in plenty of time to unload my 80 lbs of luggage.

And just like that, vacation was over. I boarded the plane with the BFF's stupid cowboy hat, wearing a strapless maxi dress that I vow never to wear while traveling again, and some of the best memories I'll ever hold. 

*Most photos provided by PB as she is a one woman paparazzi show. Also, the initials PB have nothing to do with her name, its just what I call her. Long story for another day.


If you've been around Seattle long enough you know how hard "Spring" can be here.  "Spring" is really just a word we use from the months that come after March be feel just like winter.  So as tradition has it I usually skip town for destinations warmer and drier.

This year I had planned to head to Japan but when that plan was foiled thanks to mother nature's devasting forces, I headed to the land of tortillas, margaritas, white sandy beaches and blazing hot sun: Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.

Here are my observations:

  • When traveling with the BFF we will always be confused as honeymooners. Atleast until we meet our respective spouses.
  • When traveling in any non-nordic country, I will appear as one of the locals and thus be spoken to in a foreign language (very rapidly). 
  • Five years of spanish got me real far but not that far. 
  • The feet are particularly prone to sunburn, heat rash and swelling.
  • Witnessed lots of botched boob-jobs.  Decided I don't ever need one.

Take a look:

The Ruins at Tulum.  Totes cool.

Our tiny Dodge Alto rental car, aka: tin can death trap...sans radio and glove compartment and trunk and leg room. So tiny infact that the stick shift hit both of our knees.

Lunch on the beach at Jose y Ana Beach club, Tulum.

Where we spent our afternoon in Tulum.

The sand was white and powder sugar fine.


BFF took every opportunity to embarass me.  This time in the form of a mariachi band. 
3 times that night.


How BFF poses with her food.  Ready to attack.

Gateway to Ferry Terminal to Cozumel.

BFF as clothed as humanly possible.  I was not so clothed, thus you won't see pictures.

I loved this kid. Thoughts on him later.

Found bliss. This was served on the beach right before the chocolate cake. I'm not even joking.

Pineapple already peeled, cored and cut? In a cup? For $2.  That's when I knew it was heaven.

Sooo....that's gross. Swollen, speckled and sunburnt.

Those Mayan knew what they were doing.

There was a lot of staring into the ocean, thinking, eating, laughing, sitting on the beach, applying sunscreen, sweating without actually moving, sand exfoliating, ocean floating, shopping, and all sort of vacation related activities. 

Can I go back? Now? Please?