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Sunday, January 10, 2010

This I Believe

In the 1950s Edward R. Murrow started a radio program that highlights essays written by famous, infamous, and everyday people. Each essayist focuses on a core belief they have. It could be anything from the arts, the nature of man, God, truth, justice, all things ethical, all things spiritual, all things that anyone could have an opinion on that might matter in a higher regards.

Today, Bob Edwards rebroadcasts the originally aired essays in his weekly radio program. (Saturday morning on NRP if you’re in the Seattle area ) This time around, the essays are broadcast in the context of contemporary conversation of someone close to the original author or a contemporary “expert” on the presented topic. I tend to dismiss the modern conversation and focus on the essay itself. (Contemporary conversation about the past is a topic for a future post, but foundational to the root of all my issues with my English university classes…but I digress.)

In that same vein, I wanted to start a series about things that I believe. Its easy for me to say that I believe x,y, and z, but to be able to articulate why, how and the consequence of those beliefs, I find are underdeveloped. Sometimes it just enough to say, “I believe….” and leave it at that, but most of the time, there is a reason or model from which a belief is constructed or developed. I believe that process is just as important as the conclusion.

So as I get rather verbose, understand that these thoughts are not finitely developed or concrete, but rather, examined, evolving, growing and likely changing, like most things in life. Work with me here.


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