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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let's Run the Numbers

After 3 hours at Urgent Care, let's run some numbers:

4 gallons (viles) of blood
2 pokes for one IV
1 saline drip
85 cables (approx.)
16 heart monitor sticky patches
25 times my blood pressure was taken
1 dreamboat doctor - who told me to eat more potato chips.
1 gay-rific outstanding medical assistant - which is totally the person who you want putting heart monitor patches all over your heart/left boob while under florescent lighting. Significantly less awkward than it could have been.
1 kind, gentle hearted RN - who may have stabbed my twice for my IV but was so apologetic about it.  Plus we had a good chuckle about the neighbor patient's oozing toenail.
1 dred-locked chipped gold-capped tooth medical assistant
1 single tear - I just couldn't take any more poking
Benign Positional Vertigo triggering vasovagal reactions brought on by a hyper-reactive parasympathetic nervous system.

No big deal.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Prairie Home Companion

Saturday afternoon we took in the afternoon matinĂ©e at the Paramount Theater, like an 87 year old grandma does.  

The show was none other than the live broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor, with musical guests Brandi Carlile and The Wailin' Jennys.  The broadcast is FINALLY posted to their website.  I would highly suggest you stop everything you're doing and listen to the entire broadcast.  Great music, great stories, especially for anyone with any connection to Seattle.  

If you're a Keillor fan, you can check him out over at You can get more of his witty meandering narratives and unique voice on his column.  He's not everyone's cup of tea, but if there was a perspective from the heartland (Is Minnesota considered a part of the heartland?) that I enjoyed reading, it would be his.  

In other news:  Didn't quite make it through the day today.  Thanks to wonderful people and a caravan up north, I made it home safe and sound.  LL, who serenaded me on the drive home, this one's for you.



I like my friends who are painfully honest, because they say things like this:

"Maybe you're always meant to just be the chubby kid."


I'm going to not try to take it personally, but that feels pretty personal. Then again, maybe I AM suppose to be the chubby kid and I should just own it.  

Still, it's no wonder I have a complex.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fingers Crossed

Fact: I have a habit of fainting at the kitchen sink. Except over the years I've gotten better at recognizing the symptoms and quickly getting to a place where I don't hurt myself.  (The first time it happened I fainted, fell down the stairs and landed head first on the landing and cut my chin open. I remember that not feeling so great.)

This morning I woke up not feeling quite right.  In fact, I felt a lot wrong.  I was able to get into the shower and thought I'd feel better afterward, but when I was standing at the kitchen sink the world started spinning, a wave of heat rushed over and everything went black. Like it does when you're on the verge of losing consciousness.


Now usually what happens next when you come to is that you go into shock.  Well, thats what I do.  Lots of shaking, sweating, difficulty breathing and alike.  I was some how able to get to my bed because I know that first thing you are suppose to do is get your legs above your heart. Dad comes home, finds this hot mess and swings into action. Within a few minutes, the shock had subsided for the most part and I was left recovering in bed.   

Needless to say, I stayed home today, which I never do. So that was weird. I studied, read, got caught up on my Hulu queue, watched Capitalism: A Love Story (total downer) and The Wire (total downer #2) and ate comfort food.  

Not sure what brought this on. I think I'm just tired.  I think I'm just burning the candle at both ends and getting burned. I think I don't need to do this again any time in the near future.  

I'm expecting tomorrow to have more work and less fainting involved.  Fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Guess who just got less fun? This girl.
I will be returning to my usual carefree delightful self June 8th. Apologies in advance for anything I may say or do that is unbecoming and not reflective of otherwise pleasant and cordial disposition.  
Love to you all,
PS.  No really, don't say I didn't warn you.  

Saturday, March 27, 2010

All Star Reunion!

Back in the day, (i.e. sophomore year of college) a group of unsuspecting college undergrads met and became the All Stars.  3/4 of us are still in the area and on the very rare occasion we can coordinate schedules, we get together.

JR (now JJ): Was the first person to call me Miss C. It was JR's 21 run that bar top dancing may have been involved and I was the most hung over I've ever been (at least a close second).  She's the pun-niest girl I know and man, the girl can dance. When ever I hear Usher's Yeah!, I think of her and smile. I heart her.

ML:  The only non-boyfriend to ever see me in asthma and panic attack mode.  It's beyond unflattering and embarrassing but that's also why we'll likely always be friends. He's the biggest Husky fan and an accountant who understands the woes of the industry. He's also a total dreamboat. I heart him.  

This might be the only picture I have of us when we all first met, so young...and tan:

Seven-ish years later, I feel so lucky to call these guys my friends.  

We still heart Dunbar but he's off in Chicago being all married and working toward the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or some such business. I hope.

(Tip of the hat to LJBH who allowed us to be the All-Stars. Speaking for the group, we wouldn't be who we are today without you.)

Friday, March 26, 2010

When Cooking Class Collides with the Tournament

My mind is blown. That’s what happens.

Last night was Sista M’s cooking class. I always learn something when I go, which for someone who’s been cooking regularly for the last 15 years, I love new insights and she always delivers. For example: To see where the tough and tender part of the asparagus stalk is, just bend it. It snaps where its suppose to. Brilliant.

On the menu:

Thai Chicken Curry Soup – chicken, coconut milk, mushrooms, curry with other spices and potions
Oriental Chicken Salad – cabbage, chicken, asparagus, oranges, sesame seeds, fried wonton, vinaigrette
Vietnamese Steak Sandwiches – baguette, marinated flank steak, carrot/cuke veggie topped with a vinaigrette
Lemon Cookies – cookie goodness, doused in glaze goodness

Sista M walked us through all the recipes and we sampled everything at the end. De-lish. Even the steak looked amazing. How Sista M works her magic, I will never know.

With a group of a dozen+ women, there is inevitably lots of sharing, a little oversharing maybe, but Sista M stole the show when she shared quite possibly one of the best stories (which I won’t repeat for the bloggersphere) I have ever heard in my whole life. I laughed until I cried. This was the perfect pick me up after watching the Huskies season come to a close. What a night and it didn’t even end there!

After most of the group had left, 5 of us were in the kitchen cleaning up when the Xavier v. Kansas St. game quickly became the focus as we gathered around a 4”x6” screen hanging from under the kitchen cabinet. Xavier and Kansas St. were exchanging basket for basket and miracle 3 point shots were sinking for both teams. I was quite certain my heart was about to pump right through my rib cage. I could hardly stand it.

Now, I don’t generally get too invested in competitive sports. With one exception: I love the Tournament. Over the years I’ve had to tone it down because it’s really not good for me. (Case in point: After the devastating Husky loss, LL came downstairs to find a blob of a human being defeated, moping on the couch. “You wanna talk about it?” she asks. “No, no I don’t,” I replied, arms crossed and forlorn. See, not good.)

Almost as much as I love the Tournament, I love an underdog. Six seeded Xavier was giving second seeded Kansas State a run for its money and I loved it. There we were, all five of us gathered around this little screen rooting for the underdog. Once they went into the first over time, we migrated downstairs with a little more room and a bigger screen. With every shot, every answered basket, every penalty, I about jumped off the couch in disbelief. In fact, I’m pretty sure I almost catapulted myself when they went into the second overtime. It was exhausting.

In the end, Kansas endured. Kudos to all for a game well-played.

The point of this inane post - I’ve come to some conclusions:
1.) I have the unsubstantiated theory, that lacks any sort of empirical evidence, that underdogs can’t win in overtime.
2.) Work is totally getting in the way of life.
3.) I really heart my life and the people in it. Tons.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire

Remember when I promised all my lovely family and friends who helped me pack and move boxes and boxes of books I'd stop collecting books?

That was a lie.

I’ve been good for almost 3 months since stepping foot in a book store, but like a true addict, I took one step into the downtown Barnes & Noble and there was no turning back. I just couldn't resist the florescent lighting, smell of the freshly printed word, judging all the covers (because you totally can), and being surrounded by other readers.

As I was strolling through the store, I had six books in hand and the latest New Yorker. This was obviously me binging so I carefully and painfully put most of the books back and I settled on just 2 books:

The Big Short - Michael Lewis (admittedly just for Book Club)

David Copperfield – Charles Dickens

I have high hopes for the later. I’ve been searching for a very specific type of book that will provided a very specific experience. I think this might be it.

And I promise, the next time I move I’ll move all the book boxes myself. For reals promise, not like that first fake promise about me not buying any more books. 

Right this Second

Just ate 4 beets and a whole cucumber.  Like you do. 

I've felt better.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This I Believe: History in the Making

Preface: This is long.  This is rambling. I'm so tired but I really wanted to post this on the day this law was signed by President Obama.  I watched him sign it and it gave me goosebumps, almost as much as the day he was sworn into office. It is an honor to watch history in the making.  

Let’s take a look at what brought us to the current health care situation.  This can be summed up in 4 easy steps/events. 

Step 1.) Hospitals went froShitholes to Money Makers 

In the early 1900 hospitals were a far cry from the state of the art facilities that we know today.  Hospitals were where 1.) people went to die and 2.) where doctors prescribed leeches and magic potions to “cure” ailments.  Welcome 1909.  Syphilis was rampant and the disease of the time.  Then some fancy doctor developed the first medication to actually treat a disease.  Thus the public started to view the hospital and doctors and resources and curers and expectations changed, for doctors and for hospitals.  Hospitals caught on to the change and began to change their messaging, their marketing, quickly seeing an increase in revenue.

Step 2.) Welcome the Great Depression  

Shortly thereafter, demand for health care plummeted thanks to the Great Depression.   One fateful day a hospital administrator in Baylor, Texas made the observation that most of the the beds in his hospital were empty and they were on the verge of going under like so many other businesses of the time. This administrator then approached a group of teachers, offering them use the hospital for any treatment necessary for $6 per year. As more teachers signed up, they laid the foundation of this program to become Blue Cross. Thus began to the insurance industry.

Step 3.) WWII Happens

With WWII in full force, the US government started rationing the nation's resources. A pay cap was put on salaries and as men were sent of to war, there was an increase demand for labor.  Women joined the work force and as the factories were competing for workers, (but whose hands were tied with capped pay), companies got creative. They put together "benefit packages" that were designed to attract the most talented and competitive workers.  Thus began the beginning of EMPLOYER paid health insurance.  

Step 4.) The IRS Goes Handing out Tax Breaks -1943. 

A ruling is made stating that health care premiums are tax deductible for businesses.  This now gave a huge incentive for big business to provide insurance to employees and thus perpetuating Employer paid health insurance and eventually creating the benefit based employer paid standard. 

Fast forward to today and you have the present day cluster that is our health care system. This is confluence of events brought us to a FOR PROFIT health care system. Emphasis on FOR PROFIT.  My point in illustrating these events is to provide an understanding that where were are today is a consequence of the political, economic, social, global climate of the times.  My purpose is to demonstrate that where the health care system is today is a product of many years in the making, not just a singular moment in time that put us in this situation.  To that end, it will take many years, with the right political, economic, social and global environments to create a health care option that truly is universal and will serve the needs of everyone.  As much as the system wasn't created overnight, it will not be fixed overnight.

So here's the invitation: Give it a chance to work.  Give it the opportunity to become something that we look back on and are proud to say that we, as American citizens, took care of each other. Wouldn't that be something? Wouldn't that be something if we could look back on this snapshot in history and this part of this history doesn't involve the Department of Defense and a war that equates human life with barrels of oil? I would feel pretty good about that.   

Now, I still consider myself relatively uneducated on this matter and am hesitant to make grandiose statements. Really more of a casual spectator. I consider myself pretty left leaning democrat optimist with hope for human kind.  Naive maybe, but true. But, I wholeheartedly believe that this will define not only the Obama administration but a time in American history that marks a turning point.  The same type of turning point of when the 14th Amendment was passed granting citizenship to all.  The same type of turning point that gave women the right to vote in 1920 (only 90 years ago).  Turning points like the Civil Right Act of 1964, hopefully soon a gay rights act, and other such once unpopular ideas at their time, that ultimately work out for the better. I believe that this will be one of those turning point that at the very least points in the direction toward granting the very basic human right of health care. I think about the controversy that's surrounded every major shift in in the political and culture paradigm and I like to believe that we will look back and realize that this legislation was absolutely essential to become leading humanitarians.   

On a more human and personal note, as someone whose family depends on Medicare the idea of universal health care is immensely comforting.  It may take a while to get here but to know that action is happening to prevent my family to be in the situation of deciding between a mortgage payment and the countless tests, drugs, and doctors visits my mom goes to is beyond comforting.  To know that my mom won't be denied coverage for her manpre-existing conditions and will be given access to medical treatments lifts quite a worry.  So I guess I say to those who say it cost to much or will bankrupt our country or it kills babies, I ask that you put yourself in the situation that some of us see this as a necessity not a option.  Some of us need absolutely need this law, and not by act of our own choice but by act of the cards that we were dealt. 

I'm honored to be a part of this history unfolding and look forward to the future of being fully insured.  I look forward to the day this topic is no longer a controversy, but merely a measurement of human rights we, as Americans, are privileged to have. 

Right This Second

Want to see me do something?
Tell me you think I can’t do it.

Suck it dbag.

Sigh...ok, I feel better.

Spring Hill

Last night I made the venture over to West Seattle to a fine dining establishment (aka a restaurant). Trying new restaurants is near the top of my list of favorite things to do. Doesn’t matter if it’s cheap, expensive, good, bad, old, new, whatever.

Yesterday I gave Spring Hill a try. Located on West Seattle’s popular California Ave it boasts a casual, modern, classy yet unpretentious environment with attentive but not pushy servers. A personal reflection if I do say so myself.

Monday nights they have a condensed menu with lower price points which is attractive to those of us on a budget.

We both opted for the traditional and popular Caesar Salad and Red Spaghetti (I snuck a tiny bite of the out-of-this-world meatball my friend ordered). Totally top notch.

Then it got good, real good. Because I’m a glutton for dessert, I couldn’t pass up the Perfect Vanilla Pudding with Root Beer Madeleines. Now, I’ve seen my fair share of desserts in my day, and this pudding was the best dessert I’ve had in recent memory. Rich creamy vanilla goodness, beyond that, words escape me. Maybe even in my top 5 desserts of all time (if I had such a list). Unbelieveable.

Side note: Monday nights they also serve a Fried Chicken Dinner for Four. As platters of fried chicken were ushered by nearly stuck my fork out and nabbed a taste from our unsuspecting neighbors. The full dinner comes with 2 chickens, herbed dumplings with beecher’s flagship, buttered russet potatoes, caramelized brussels sprouts, marinated cucumber salad, jalapeno cornbread. Are you salivating yet? Because I was/still am. It’s so popular that not only do you have to make reservation 2 days in advance, but rumor has it you can’t actually get reservations until mid-April as they only make 10 dinners for 4. You can read the review here. Guys, let’s do it. Who’s in?

So, if you’re looking for a new place to try, Spring Hill will not disappoint. Great food, great atmosphere, great conversation.

All around great Spring (hill) night.

Now, keep in mind if you’re someone that generally doesn’t eat meat, wheat or dairy…this will hit you hard. Real hard. Consider yourself warned. But it was worth it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Completely Unnecessary But Totally Satisfying

Seattle teased us with spring and sunshine again this weekend.  This means I made mostly unnecessary but completley satisfying purchases. What is it about the sun that makes me shop? I just don't know.

My top 5 purchases of the weekend:

  • Emenince Grape Antioxidant Serum 
  • Liberty of London Pleated Chemise 
  • Ripe Bartlet Pears
  • CBs Local Organic Fresh Ground Peanut Butter
  • Blinc Mascara

Other things that were completely unnecessary but totally satisfying:

  • Friday night backseat nap
  • Saturday afternoon nap
  • Sunday afternoon nap

All the nappage is why probably why I'm still awake with an alarm going off in 4 hours.  Rough.

Mudbath to Hotsprings

Within the first 24 hours of meeting Julie we shared a theraputic mudbath at romantic spa and a bed at a quaint vacation home in Napa Valley, California.  We were just two girls of a bachelorette party of six on a weekend of debachery. I must say it was probably the oddest beginning of a friendship I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing but set the tone for many future adventures.

This is Julie:

Over the past year and a half Julie and I became fast friends and since then we've been on many adventures.  We've hiked Little Si, she went with me when I jumped off Tiger Mountain, we've had long chats discussing our similar approaches to life.  She's traveled Europe solo and went to Ghana the year after I went to Egypt.  We both have a healthy sense of adventure which is why we're going to Japan in 3 very short weeks.

Now, Japan was never really on my list of places to visit but the opportunity arose and I jumped at the chance.  As we've been planning my excitement has increased ten-fold.  We've booked our flight, our destinations are set (Tokyo, Takayama, Kyoto, Mt. Koya, Osaka, Misawa, and back Tokyo), most of our accommodations, including a night in a buddist temple on Mt. Koya with monks, are booked.  We're close to purchasing our rail passes (tomorrow).  We've mapped out places to go and things to see.  We've already discussed the hot springs and bath houses (not THOSE kind) that we will surely be visiting, because once you've mudbathed together nude hot springs are obviously the next logical step (At least that how I think friendships go). 

Besides that, two tall white girls backpacking in a foreign land, who don't speak/read the language, sleeping in youth hostels with strangers, I can't imagine what could go array...except everything.  

Friday, March 19, 2010

Poor Kid

On my walk the other night I found these laying on the ground.  

They're homonym flashcards.

First thought: Yes!  Our public education system is not failing our children!
Second thought:  Ut oh, without these flash cards this kid is never going learn the difference and thus will be mocked and judged by people like me.  Poor kid. 

But I do like the idea of homonym flash cards. I think it could catch on.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thanks But No Thanks

Supposedly, the 12th article of the Articles of Confederation (technically the first constitution establishing the US as a country) states that 1.) Nine states must aprove admitting a new state and 2.) Canada was preappoved to join the US, if it applied for membership.

Do you think the Founding Fathers were miffed when Canada gave us the bird and said thanks but no thanks you murdering heathen self-righteous whack jobs?  

I like to think so.   

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When You Have Legs Of A Gazelle

You, too, can sprint 7 city blocks through downtown at rush hour, in boots and OUT RUN your bus to catch it home.  However, when you have the lungs of an asthmatic, you'll be sucking air by the time you get there. And you also look like a crazy person.  

So, its a toss up.  

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time Travel - In Reverse

Friday Night: Felt 24 again, working late, going to bed early to get up and go to work on Saturday.
Saturday Night: Felt 17 again, in more ways than you can imagine.
Sunday Afternoon:  Felt 9 years old again, staring out of the skylight watching the clouds go by, reading a Ronald Dahl classic as I easily nodded off into a deep afternoon nap only to wake up to the smell of pie crust and cupcakes baking.

If this continues, I'm really excited about getting to the age where its appropriate to wear pajamas, nap and eat, all day long.  

Monday Bliss List

As I was lamenting to a friend this morning, she kindly pointed out that I had picked her up on the pity party train leaving the station at 9 am this Monday morning and now we were both on board. She was right, Mondays were hard enough, we didn't need to go on about the status of life affairs.  So, it seemed apropos to spend the rest of my day compiling a Bliss List.

Despite the fact that I'm exhausted beyond measure, (I thought I was seeing spots around 3 this afternoon) it was remarkably easy to assemble my Monday Bliss List.

It is, as follows:

See: Lunch in the 28th floor conference room, reading brain candy – 180 degree view of the mountains, ocean and city
Heard:  Crazy Heart Soundtrack - The Weary Kind;  Fallin' and Flyin'  (both on repeat)
Taste:  Things that are impossibly delicious:  Thin Mints and pistachios, separately of course
Touch/Feel:  It’s 64 degrees out - hand out the sunroof
Smell:  Cedar - we have a beautiful new fence and it smells like forest. Apologies to the real forest that we decimated to make this happen but if its any consolation, you smell real nice.
Tech: The brilliant Wikipedia:  In recent days I've wikipedia-ed synchronicity, collective unconscious, Noam Chomsky, Kant, bonsai, grace and The Great Gatsby (the last of which I have recently acquired an inexplicable and insatiable appetite for - it's public domain if you're interested).  This is also reflective of the randomness of my thought process and thus my life.

Sorry, friend, for bring you along my pity party train so early on a Monday morning.  Next time I will be dance party train of fun with a box of Thin Mints all to yourself.

Pitter Patter Went Her Heart

Seattle recently teased us with temperatures in the 60s but followed that display with temperature dropping into the 30s. The blossoms are in full force, the birds are chirping and you can smell the gardenias. Day Light Savings graced us on Sunday morning which is decidedly the devil's work. I gave Big Red a much needed bath only for it to rain buckets days later. This is spring in Seattle.

Now, I am generally not a fan of spring. It’s my least favorite season. It’s tough to plan for, the misty fog does no favors for the hair and the temperature swings make outfit coordination difficult. The biggest kicker is that the pollen goes town on my sinuses that spend most of the season in a teary snotty fog. It’s how I get all the boys.

To top it all off, I find spring fashion to be generally bland with woefully muted colors like khaki and pastel. What Seattlite looks good in pastel!? Answer: no one over the age of 3.

This seemingly endless winter has been getting me down, so on Friday I boycotted the season and busted out the sky-blue striped blazer, royal blue tee, denim and nude wedges to complete my spring look. (I was even told I look like I belong on a boat in the Bahamas which, ps, I totally do belong on a boat in the Bahamas.) Today, cream cashmere sweater, jeans and crocidle brown pumps is my second attempt to will-away the drab and dreary essence that has befallen our beautiful city.

This inspired my search for spring fashion that doesn’t look like the Easter Bunny pulled a Jackson Pollock. These numbers made my heart go pitter patter for Spring.

For work:

For play:

I'll take one of each. Thanks. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Triple Whammy

ONE - This conversation:
Cube Neighbor: What are you wearing?
Me: My workout clothes....? (true)
Cube Neighbor: So….you’re going to go somewhere and get naked and change?
Me: (did he just say what I think he said?)………..I’m going to go somewhere and get changed, yes.

Bad News: 3 missed phone calls ON THE CELL from Bossman this morning.
Good News: This cuss-up wasn’t my doing, I just get to deal with the fall out.

I accidently printed an ENORMOUS tax return and once you start you can’t stop. I'm inundated with guilt. Sorry rainforest. (Irrelevant sidenote about the word inundate: In my Etymology class - one of the very few classes I actually got a 4.0 - one of the few things I learned was that "-und(a)" means to overflow, wave or billow. I have never forgotten because I thought it so fascinating that the complete root did not fall within the English syllable breaks. Whenever I use that word I think of that...funny how word association works)

Also, I’ve yet to do my hair and makeup. Oh and ps….22 financial statements need to get out….nbd.

This was all before 8:30 am.

It’s only up from here!...Or is it?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My "Open Letter to People or Entities that are Unlikely to Respond"

Remember when I said I wanted to write an "Open Letter to People or Entities that are Unlikely to Respond" in the same vain of McSweeny's?  Well, I've got three.

Dear Douchebag who hit me, saw me get out to check the damage and then took off,
I forgive you.
Love, Cara

Dear Lord,
Sorry I swore so much when the above mentioned douchebag hit me and then took off.  Please fogive me.
Love Me

Dear Self,
Way to get over that douchebag hitting you.  You're getting better at this forgiveness business.
Love, Me

PS.  Big Red is fine. My heart rate has returned to a satisfactory beats per minute resting rate.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why I Love It Here

Morning:  9:00 am walk on the beach in Seaside, OR

Noon: Mt. St. Helens, Washington

Evening: Blossoms in The Quad, Seattle, Washington

Surely there is no where else that offers so much.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nothing Compares

Well, as planned I woke up to the sound of the Pacific Ocean. Not too shabby I say.

First stop: Canon Beach. Canon Beach is a surfer's paradise and famous for Haystack Rock and the hundreds of tidepools that surround it.  Lucky for us we visited at low tide so we could explore.  Giant starfish, hermit crabs, sea urchins and alike, call these pools home.

Like an excited little school kid, Ilsa calls me over to a pool with neonglow colored sea uchrins are chillin.

"Check this sh** out."
Ilsa sticks her finger INTO one of the little buggers.  It starts to curl up.
"Ahhhhhhh!!"  Ilsa screams like a little school girl and jerks her hand away.  "The other ones didn't do that."
I'm laughing.  Hard.  Real hard.
Check out these vicious creatures:

Leaving her to her own exploring, I keep strolling down the beach, reveling in warmth of the sun thinking, pondering, ruminating, and such.  The tide started to come in and I thought it time to ditch the shoes and feel the sand between my toes.  The water is shockingly frigid but refreshing.

After Canon Beach we head to Tillamock, Oregon, most famous of course for cheese.  So the lactose Intolerant Vegetarian (me) and the crankly old lesbian vegetarian with an abhorance to big business (IJ) go on a self guided tour of a cheese factory. This was scary. I won't go into it but it really is frightening how large scale food production has evoled how we eat, what we eat and the price we pay for it.  But I digress, not only is it a cheese factory, but they also make creamy delicious ice cream.  I may be lactose intolerant but I can never turn down a good cone.  I'm willing to risk inevitable pain and agony for a few savory bites of creamy goodness. So I did.

The drive back up the 101 was absolutely stunning.  I've travled the eastern seaboard from Florida to Maine and nothing compares to the majesty and breathtaking beauty of the western coastline.

After we got back to the hotel, I wasn't feeling super great so a I had a bit of a snack out on the balcony and then came in for a quick nap.  THREE quick hours later, I wake up groogy to the world, but feeling much better. This makes me convinced that if people napped more, this world will be a far happier place.

We'll head home tomorrow leaving behind the quiant coastal towns, the unpolluted air and way of life.  Until then, I think I'll fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean...again.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Room With A View

I'm on a little vacation with BFF.  We have arrived safely to the cozy coastal town of Seaside, Oregon.  

This is the unobstructed view from our suite:

So far, I've napped, laughed until I cried, opted for room service (genius), had to explain how Jeopardy! works to a grown adult, treated myself to a wine glass full of root beer, and kept warm in front of the fire.  

Next on the Agenda: Fall asleep to the sound of the Pacific Ocean.  If all goes according to plan, I'll wake up next to it, too.

I could totally get used to this.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Adventures Sure To Be Had

So much to blog about so little time and energy.  Here's an update:

1.) The other Executive Assistant at work quit her job today. Straight up quit via email.  Anyone else notice that it's six weeks before the deadline and the tax department now has no assistant?!  My first question when finding out the news was appropriately, "Can I still go on vacation tomorrow?"  Yes, yes I can.  

2.) The NY Times posted this essay this weekend that spoke to my bookish soul.  I've thought this for years. Check it out and if it resonates with you, we should be friends. While you're at it, head over to the Opinion section.  I'd like to give a thumbs up (if I believed in them, but I don't) to Nicholas Kristoff's recent column, Learning from the Sins of Sodom, for his perspective on liberals and faith-based charitable organizations.  I've also been working my way through McSweeny's Open Letters to People or Entities that are Unlikely to Respond. Particularly the open letters to "My Cubicle" and "Ann Coulter."  I'm excited to write my own letter but I need something witty and unsuspecting. Suggestions?

3.) My sister is totally preggers.  It's the first one for our family and I couldn't be more excited.  Matt (bro-in-law) will likely be deployed so I'll head over to hang with Sara and "It" for a few weeks in October.  I am beaming but mildly concerned about the sympathy weight I'll be gaining.  I'm also making a list of how to be the world best aunt.  I've got a few ideas so far.

4.) BFF comes to town tomorrow.  Well, really in about 12 hours.  She called to warn me today that she only has farm clothes.  We then discussed my superhuman sleeping powers and her inability to sleep at all.  She said that she'll just wake up and stare out the window.  We're practically elderly people.

5.)  I still have to pack. I loathe packing almost as much as I loathe John Mayer, folding laundry, Robert Pattinson, and cinnamon gum.  Although, packing isn't as pointless/useless as all those other things.

6.) I still have to find my driver's license.  I have no idea where it is.  No idea. This could be a problem given the 8 HOURS OF DRIVING I'll be doing this weekend.

7.) I got my mani/pedi tonight and with my facial this weekend I feel blissfully feminine. Surely such things are in heaven.  

Been a rough couple days guys, but I've got 4 days of vaca and the Pacific Ocean with the BFF in the near future.  Adventures are sure to be had.

Monday, March 1, 2010

In My Face!

I’ve mentioned before that one of my talents is narrowly catching the last bus into town. Today was REALLY close. I thought if I went for a full on dead sprint, I could possibly, just maybe make it. After the first 3 blocks I was dying and I could feel imminent wheezing was just a few steps away at this pace. I turned the corner I could see the bus coming down the street. Skirt and loafers be darned, I was determined to make it. In full on graceless sprint headed toward the stop, the bus zooms by.

But, I know the driver sees me (it’s hard not to notice a 20-something in a business casual get up high tailing down the streets of white-suburbia). I think the bus is waiting for me and I run up to the door and the driver CLOSES THE DOOR IN MY FACE! She then opens it, laughs and says, “Scared you, didn’t I?” Glad someone has a sense of humor at 7:00 am because this girl does not. For reals.

Weekend in Review

Friday: Oscar nominated animated short films at the Varsity, dinner at the Loft, and a fireplace. A trifecta for trouble.

Saturday: Oatmeal waffles at Blue Star, lots of napping, my monthly facial, a brisk stroll around Greenlake and Taco Time.

Sunday: Canada Wins. Canada Wins. Canada Wins. Oh, church was good, too. As was moving LL and SH to their adorable new home.

I’d say it was a 5 star weekend.

Oh, and PS.  Spring is just around the corner. Get excited.