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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Look, I've Been Busy

Well, here it is another year.  One month down and only 11 more to go.  I will say that this month hasn't been a terrible way to start 2011.  One thing though, I have been B to the USY.  Here are my top 5 non-work related highlights.

1.) I went to the Roller Derby.  That's right. Me. At that roller derby.  My confession is that I loved the movie Whip It and just wanted to see them do just that.  And they did...hazzuah!  My night was complete.  Proof is below, just so you know I'm not making this up:

2.)  My New Year's Resolution has been to walk greenlake every day.  So far I would say I'm at 75%.  Sometimes its just too dark and rainy.  But sometimes, it's just beautiful.

3.)  It's snowed here in Seattle for the 3rd (?) time this season.  I think I've mentioned before how much a love the snow.  So I layered up and traipsed about in the shortlived winter wonderland:

4.) Amos Lee's new Album Mission Bell drop this last week.  Luckily msn music has been streaming it for the last 2 weeks which means it's all I've been listening to...when I get ready in the morning, at work, when I get home from work, at all times possible.  So of course, when Amos was in town I had to go.  Perhaps our seats gave us a bird's eye view of the place but he sang to my soul. 

5.)  HV turns the Double Threes:  In true style, JS & HV hosted yet another dinner party for the history books, a Mexican themed fiesta completely with 3 salsas, pork marinated for days that fell apart, some sort of chicken goodness and more.  To cap it all off, HV made her own birthday torte concoction with chocolate & pears that was melt-in-your-mouth-I-think-I-found-heaven delicious. Don't event think I didn't wear stretch pants, because I totally did.  I know better.

I have high hopes for the next 11 months. Good friends, good food, yes please.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Right This Second: Just Another Day at the Office

11:00 - 12:00 - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - Open Defecation in Developing Countries
12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch
1:00 - 1:45 - Global Heath - HIV/AIDS Prevention - Male Circumcision

Maybe we can reconsider how we structure this.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Freaking Friday

Things I don’t have/didn’t do today:
  • My hair
  • My make up
  • My drivers License
  • My credit card
  • Work access badge
  • Lunch
Heck, I barely dressed.

It's only 9 am.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You're Welcome

If you 've been thinking that you'd like to waste an hour of your life that you'll never get back, might I suggest watching these:

Gun Control
Free Speech
Mr. Rogers vs. The Senate

Watch and then let's discuss.

However, if music is more your speed turn these tunes up:

Rosie and Iron & Wine
Amos Lee
Tiny Desk Concert

Now back to your emails and spreadsheets. Chop chop.

Monday, January 17, 2011

No Clue

On my lunch walk last week, I came across this sign that absolutely baffled me.  I stood there for a solid minute reading the same 4 words over and over again trying to figure out 1.) how it should be punctuated; 2.) what it means. 

Do you think they meant "whatsoever"?

I still have no clue.

More Please.

Do you remember the last time I went snowshoeing I nearly gave myself a heartattack?  Well, this time around I was hoping for a little less near-death experience and that was what I got.  LJBH and I headed up to Snoqualmie Pass and found ourselves a lovely path that circled a pond and paralleled babbling creeks.  It was calm, quiet, peaceful.

Let's do it again!


Sister and I video chatted tonight. It took us 6.5 minutes to get the sound to work.  I don't know why but video chatting just isn't my thing.  Like, unless I'm showing you something I don't need to see you, you don't need to see me.  Let's just talk. 

But I did want to see her.  Because she's getting huge! Check it out:

Also, her camera totally sucks, but you get the idea. Three more months to go!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Still Laughing

+ My roommate ate it while slipping down our front steps today.  I heard one step, then silence.  I wasn't too sure if she actually fell so I proceeded to continue to blow dry my hair like a kind and caring roommate would do. Then I got the warning-the-front-porch-is-icy-text and laughed my face off.  I'm still laughing.  Sorry. 

+ I have been listening to Rosie Thomas's Gradually on repeat for a few/a lot of days.  I figure if I listen to it enough I might just believe it.

+ Every night I go through the mental argument of "If I set my alarm an extra 45 minutes early I can get a ride in..."  vs.  "Are you joking?" Not gonna happen until things warm up I don't think.

+ I am the only person in our division that supports 4 people.  Most support 2-3.  I just voluteered to support a 5th.  WTH.
All in all, not a bad Monday. Grade: B

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Highlight

Drunk dials from the BFF at 2:30 pm are my favorite.
Second Drunk dial from the BFF at 3:00 pm from a men’s room is even better.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Two Things

Thing the First:
Today I was asked if I had fake eyelashes.  Twice.  Nope, no I don’t. These are the real deal.

Thing the Second:
My boss showed up to work yesterday wondering where everyone was. Turns out our offices were closed.  However he did take a few moments to start a series of history lessons about epidemic diseases and vaccination. He started with smallpox.  What a downer. 


When it comes to New Years, I tend to feel fairly ambivalent, and even more so ambivalent towards resolutions.  I do like how this time of year allows for time to slow down and reflect.  It offers a time to reprioritize and examine the year just lived.  I have spent the last 4 days doing such and have wrestled with a few reflections on the year past and what I look forward to.

I did a lot of firsts in 2010, I had a lot of successes and failures and opportunities for growth some of which I took advantage of and some I thought just too difficult to face.  I was lonely.  I was lost.  I found what I was searching for.  I learned my lesson, hopefully for the last time. I walked the beach with a dear friend, I ate like a queen. I missed my sister.  I spent money I didn’t have and saved when I didn’t need really need to.  I was skinny, I got less skinny.

I fell further in love with Seattle on a weekly basis, through every season. I was fearless and scared to death.  I strengthened friendships and let go of others.  I rocked out to great music and was sorely disappointed in some concerts (cough*KoL*cough). I finally was diagnosed and can manage my symptoms so as to not faint all willy-nilly like. I ate really good food and read really great books.  I smooched a little and snuggled a lot.

I backpacked across Japan, zenned out with Buddist Monks in the mountains, traveled the west coast, played tourist in my own backyard, funployment vacationed on the Sunshine Coast, laughed and cried with my aunt. Only saw the BFF once this year.   I triathaloned and rodeoed.

I woke up every day grateful for my family, friends and that I lived another day to participate in this life.

I don’t believe 2010 will strike me as overly monumental in my life (not like that craptacular wretched 2008) but I believe it will be a remembered as a year of gradual, slow painful growth leading up to the next great thing.

This year, in 2011, I’d like to discover my triceps maybe do 5 pull ups. Maybe do 10 real push ups. I’d like to forgive more and quicker, harbor less, learn quicker, fail faster, be healthier, acquire less. I’ll travel more and swear less.

But every day, I promise you this, I will wake up grateful I am here to spend this day with you in my life. I will come up short in expressing my gratitude for you in my life and for that I apologize. Every day I shall go to bed humbled and mindful of all that I have been given. Yes, that I will do. 

In closing, I'd like to quote the BFF with her well wishes to me in her holiday card to me, "Let the year 2011 be a year in which you no longer repeat old patterns, in which you learn from the past, in which you gain insight and deeper understanding - in short - Let it be fabulous!"

And to you my friends.
