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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Overheard in the Office

Things I bet you don’t hear this in your office:

·    "For today’s talent show we’ll be doing an interpretive dance of HIV transmission." - MG

·    "LC broke SB penis and then taped the foreskin back together." - KC

·    "The average woman can have about 3 – 4 vaginal biopsies a year.  Men can have 30-40 rectal biopsies a year and never even know what’s happening. Something about nerve endings."  –SB

All in one day.

Can it be the weekend yet?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Morning Person

No one ever accused me a of being a morning person.  In fact quite the opposite.  It takes me a good hour (or more) to wake up and be fully engaged with the world. Which is why I particularly enjoy my morning walks I take every day.  They are good slow way to wake up and since I don't sleep much these days, the early morning is wide open. Up at 6:30, I get to wake up with the city.  I tend to see the same folks on my walk and there is usually the hospitable nod or small smile that let's you know that they are in on the secret.

Today's morning was particularly lovely.

I found a new park that perfectly framed this Seattle sunrise. People, I live here. Sometimes I don't believe it either.

I spied these chickens, just diggin' in the front yard. Like you do in urban Seattle.

Then I made almond milk which I'm pretty sure is going to be life changing.

All this before 9:00 am on a Sunday. Maybe, just maybe, I'm becoming a morning person.


Bumbershoot - In 3 Parts

As a Seallite, it seems weird that I don't drink coffee, eat seafood or ever been camping.  Also, I'd never been to  Bumbershoot.  So I fixed that last faux pas and hit up Bumbershoot  like a good Seallite should.

Here were my favorite things:

Elvistravaganza - It's a real thing.  I couldn't make it up if I tried.

Whac-a-Hipster:  It's a real thing.  I couldn't make it up.  I wish I had though.

The Actual Music:

Bombino. Really great. the best part was that he spoke very little English and was so excited to be there. His beats were pretty killer too.

Ana Tijoux.  Incredible. Just incredible. Maybe I didn't know 98% of what she was saying but you didn't have to get her.  Listen here. here, and here. Then listen again.  Like I have.

Not pictured: the Burlesque show.  This is a family friendly blog.  But I will tell you if this career doesn't work out I'm taking a stab at burlesque.  Me thinks I can work some magic with some tassels and pasties.  Watch out.

There were lots of hipsters, pot smoking, sunshine, Key Arena's legit nachos. All in all a good way to spend a day.

Someone remind me to go again.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Married Friends

I love my married friends.

I really do.

They are some of the best people I know.

But I have other married friends that make me feel like this.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Somewhere between good and bad there is darkness. It's juxtaposed feeling of emptiness and pain. 

A few weeks ago I went through a few weeks of this feeling.  It was a new, different kind of low and darkness. 

I had no appetite and when I did I ate ice cream.
On most days it was all I could do to out of bed and attempt a normal life. Only to crawl back in at the end of the day utterly flattened and exhausted.
I would cry at a moments notice and ugly cry when I knew it was safe.
I spent weekends alone not uttering a word.
I'd go for runs that became sauntering strolls with heavy legs. 

Lord, it was bad. It was something I never felt.

While in it I became more frustrated with myself that there was no reason to feel this way but it was physically taking over my body and heart.  Uncontrollably so.  Sure, I'd been cranky before but there was something wholly different about this.

One night just before leaving for this most recent trip, I jumped into Lake Washington off of this here dock.
Standing on the edge for a while I would countdown a couple times before taking the plunge.

3-2-1. Still on dock. Repeat.

On that last 3-2-1, I went.  A good 10 feet before you hit the water you momentarily free fall. Then water.   It's engulfing and you're surrounded by darkness instantly.  It's cold and hits you hard.  It all happens in a few seconds.  Only for moments. 

I began to think about the physics of it all.  That at some point the force in which you are entering the water is no longer strong enough to continue the downward direction.  The density of the water equalizes that force and the human body's natural buoyancy allows you to resurface. It was all too analogous to where I was in my heart.

We went for a swim on a the beautiful Seattle summer night. I felt so alive.  An hour later we climbed out, toweled off and went for pizza.

That's when I knew...the force pushing down was not longer strong enough.  I had resurfaced. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

But wait,There's MORE!

Because when you're 30 you can do anything.  Like celebrate for the 30th bigs.

The day after the bday, IJ came into the city. As a native Bostonian, she hates the town and has only comes back when I'm in town which is oddly about 6 times. PB and IJ hadn't seen each other in over 7 years but I have kept them both up to date on each other's lives.  Given there ability to pick up where they leave off and talk to anyone, it was like no time had passed and we were up to our laughing antics. 

It went a little something like this:

Unsure about what is happening here but it sure looks awkward

Pre-any photo...this is what happens

Seriously, IJ...with the face.

This is usually what's happening.

We all met 7 years ago.  I will always believe that my life path in going to NYC wasn't about school or work, it was about meeting these ones and having the best friends I could ask for.  Through the thick and thin and highs and lows and tears of joy and laughter, we've done it all.  I wouldn't be who I am today without them.

And as always a good reminder.  Every second counts. 

Cheers to making those seconds count. 

That One Day

That one day...
We walked the gardens...
Shopped Newbury Street and did just a little damage....
Had cake 3 times....
Found a $20 in a cab....
oh, and I turned 30....

This is how it went:

Don't let these pictures fool you.  It was about 900 degrees and 4000% humdity.  And that jerk at one point was standing full on frontal to the fan.  Good thing none one else needed a breeze. 


Now melting.  Note that I'm crouched over, sitting on the railing, she's on her tip toes and I'm still towering over PB. It's the plague of our friendship.

Boston or Bermuda.  Felt like Bermuda.
"Here Car, sit on these stairs and let's take a picture."   - PB
"Oh, these here stairs where hundreds of homeless people have probably relieved themselves and where drunk college kids have puked.  Oh, please, can I?" - me

Me and George.

What?! Even the dishes knew?!

Flowers from the mom and pops. So lovely.  Maybe I teared up.

Then we switched into our newly acquired evening wear. I'm wearing sparkles, purple and a floral pattern.  Clearly PB's doing.
Oh this look?  The drowned squirrel caught in a flashflood look?  It's new, it'll catch on.  I've never seen rain so hard or had my hair ruined so fast.

More CAKE!
Then I found $20 in the cab.  That's gotta be a good sign right?
Next stop, an awesome little hidden bar with barely a sign and no menu.  And did it up right. 

All around a really great day.  Thanks to PB for being there and sharing the cake and festivities with me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adieu and Good Riddance

Well, this is it guys.  The final adieu. Farewell.  Good bye my 20s. 

The 20s were hard.  I don’t expect to wake up tomorrow and things be all that different.  But I am looking forward to the 30s.  Lots in the works, I can feel it.

I've celebrated a lot in the last few days and have been reminded how truly blessed I am.  My humblest of gratitude to all those who make me feel so good.

I'm in Boston for the next week with PB making a pit stop here so it will be a whirlwind of shopping and eating with lots to celebrate!
Stay tuned for updates!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Little Man

I omitted the part of the trip to AZ where I got to spend time with my sister and nephew.  That little baby boy is going up into a little man, constantly on the move and really good at high-fives.

Oh hi.

This a picture of the cat.  

He helps me pack.

He falls asleep mid-meal, mid-chew. It's hilarious.

He reads the paper.

He is unimpressed with strawberries.

He helps Auntie work.

We had a good visit and he even gave me kisses which is really just a full on attack open mouth to the face.  Same same.