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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Girl on Fire

I'm not sure who talked who into who, but somehow, the sister and I committed to running the Rock n' Roll Phoenix half-marathon. 

Training has kept me focused on something other than work and has been a good stress reliever.  But inevitably you have to run the thing you train for and that day arrived.  I went down EARLY Saturday morning and spent the day with the kiddo and sister prepping for the next day's really long run...aka carb-loading.

When you're running for over 2 hours you have a lot of time to think.  You think about life, the numbing pain shooting up your shins, the wardrobe choices of those around you, your love life, your professional life, the next steps to take in life, the knife stabbing pain in your's the only thing you really can do.  Run and think. Around mile 12 I think there was some praying and cursing going on but hard to remember. 

Around mile 6 I found myself smiling because my newest theme song came on the radio and I felt the fire to go.  But that flame lasted about a mile and there were 6.1 more to go so at some point you just check out. You don't think anymore.  The act of running because more obligatory and a necessity than enjoyable.  Miles 10 - 12 were conveniently running into the blazing sun which  But once you see that mile 12 you think you might actually make it.  You might just prove all nay-sayers wrong and yourself right.

When I crossed the finish line I raised my arms and double fist pumped in victory.  The sister had taken off about 10 miles back so I now I had to find hydration and her.  My sister, a convenient five feet tall in a sea of 50k people wasn't going to be easy, but alternatively my 5'10" self in neon pink in a sea of 50k was easier to spot and she found me shortly after crossing the finish line.  It was really great to see her and know that we trained and did this together. While we ran alone most of the way I knew she was somewhere up there doing it with me.

Post race we headed to Cafe Rio and devoured the world best pulled pork salad.  Protein and deliciousness in one. Worth all 13.1 miles.

The next day I wasn't all that sore.  My calves oddly enough were the ones that hurt that most.  My quads and hammys had been shredded enough in boot camp that they weren't phased at all.  Thanks lunges and squats for that.

All in all not a bad run and still a great visit.  There was sun and the sister and the nephew so I really can't complain.  Although, maybe next time I'll think twice before agreeing to the sister's ideas.....or my ideas.






The post race day of pampering was a definite must do.  We clean up nice!


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