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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biel Body Update

Here’s how the past month has gone:

Week 1: Felt very inspired and determined. Took the before pictures; that was a reality check. I know in my heart of hearts I can do this. I ate really well, exercised hard. I’m tracking what I’m eating at every meal and my snacks. I re-cut out wheat and trying to eat whole foods (non-processed foods).

Week 2: I was hungry. So hungry. Still running outside and returned to the gym, including spinning class. Going ok with food, indulging a little more than I should. But still really watching my sugar intake because that is my biggest weakness. I brought in my yoga ball to work and now sit on that to help with the core and improve posture. Still working on strength training and some new cardio like jump rope and stairs.

Week 3: Hungry, cranky, tired of sitting on an effing ball. Couldn’t get enough to eat and there are not enough hours in the day. I’m tired. If I ate one more salad I might have gone ape-s on someone one. I’ve eaten wheat, lots of sugar, fried food (I never!) and dairy. Which makes me feel like ass. Feeling de-motivated. I’ve got a long ways to go and my mood and perspective are not helping. Every day has been, “Ok, this is the day to start over.” I’m tired of starting over and kicking myself for giving into whims when I know I my willpower is stronger than I’m demonstrating.

Week 4: On the re-bound from a crap week. Have a fresh new outlook. Back to sitting on the ball without cheating. Staved off the sugar cravings. I think the arrival of the sun has helped. Went for really long walks in the sun instead of run which was rejuvenating and really better in the long run. Read a great article called, “Why are you running when you haven’t even learned how to walk?” Great insight. So I’m learning to walk to help achieve my shorter long term goals. Had meals and snacks that I’ve really enjoyed.


I might have either 1.) a hollow leg OR 2.) 6 stomachs, like a cow. While I cannot confirm or deny the possibility of either, I’m claiming both. You should see how much I can eat! The vast amount of food that I can eat really is astonishing, unfeminine and expensive. It must stop.

While I am more tired, I have more energy, if that makes sense. My skin feels good after a good sweat. I fantasize that I can see some new definition in my arms but I really don’t know. I’m not a huge fan of the appearance of my arms so I generally keep them hidden from sight. I can see definition in my hip flexor muscle. All around been a good first month. One down, two to go.

Chances of winning: 87%


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